coastal Engineering and MAnagementAnalysis of flood risk involves consideration of the whole flooding system and acknowledgement of the uncertainties within predictions.
Within this process it is necessary to consider each of the stages that lead from the extreme climatic conditions (so-called sources that initiate a flood), through the response hydrological, hydraulic and structural behaviour of the rivers, coasts and control infrastructure (including breach, blockage, failure to open or close etc - the so-called pathways that link the source to the receptors) through to the individuals and assets in the flood plain who suffer the consequences (so-called receptors). Sayers and Partners staff have experience of modelling all of these aspects and use both commercial tools as well as bespoke in-house software. Our expertise spans broad scale modelling (at a multi-national, national and regional scale) through to detailed local studies and includes: Analysis of extreme values and joint probability Hydrology Channel hydraulics Defence overtopping and breaching Damage analysis Flood inundation Whole system analysis Climate impacts |