Sayers and Partners undertake project around the world. Recent projects have included studies in countries as diverse as UK, China, Australia, Canada, Guyana, Ethiopia, Russia and Indonesia. Undertaking both research and consultancy studies Sayers and Partners offer innovative but practical solutions to flood and erosion management. Some examples are below.
Low carbon and climate risk
Guyana, South America Climate change risk assessment
Understanding the impacts of climate change on real estate lending and investment portfolios |
Low carbon and climate risk
Low Carbon Development: A Paradigm Shift Towards a Green Economy in Indonesia Long term flood investment (for National Infrastructure Commission)
National Infrastructure Assessment |
Climate change risk assessment
Managing the coast in a changing climate UK Research (for LWEC)
Impacts of climate change on flood and coastal erosion infrastructure |
International research (for CEATI)
Analysis of extreme flood hazards for dam safety Ibadan, Nigeria (working with Ambiental and the World Bank)
Strategic flood risk assessment for the City of Ibadan |
UK, national assessment (for the JRF)
Flood resilience in disadvantaged areas International research (for WWF and the Ministry of Water, China)
Strategic water management (basins. droughts, floods, allocation, restoration, infrastructure, groundwater) |
UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (2012, 2017 and 2022) C5A - Cluster for Cloud to Coast Climate Change adaptation Interreg North Sea Programme - C5A
North Sea Region Countries (InterReg, EC)
FAIR: Flood infrastructure asset performance, maintenance investment and adaptation |
Some other project examples
A celebration of eights years of the Flood Risk Management Research Consortium - Paul Sayers attended the House of Commons Reception and Dinner to close 8 years of research - see FRMRC for more information
Foresight Future Flooding - Paul Sayers has been a core member of the Foresight Future Flooding team since its first application in the UK. Paul has been involved in various Foresight applications and exchanges.
RASP - Risk Assessment for Strategic Planning - Paul Sayers lead the development of the RASP methods that now underpin the Environment Agency's risk modelling approaches in the Modelling Decision Support Framework (MDSF2) and the National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA)
National resilience review: A contribution to Cabinet Office National Resilience Review. The contribution provided on Flood risk in deprived communities and on strategic approaches based on approaches developed with WWF. (29th Feb 2016)
Innovation: managing risk, not avoiding it - contribution to Annual Report of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, 2014.
Paul Sayers is now a member of Strategic Advisory Panel for a major research initiative into drought and water scarcity issues: MaRIUS: Managing risks, impacts and uncertainties of droughts and water scarcity. The project is lead by Prof Jim Hall at the University of Oxford.
International flood management guidance - Sayers and Partners contributed to the WMO programme on Integrated Flood Risk Management and provided a case study on the Effectiveness of Flood Risk Management in England and Wales.
A celebration of eights years of the Flood Risk Management Research Consortium - Paul Sayers attended the House of Commons Reception and Dinner to close 8 years of research - see FRMRC for more information
Foresight Future Flooding - Paul Sayers has been a core member of the Foresight Future Flooding team since its first application in the UK. Paul has been involved in various Foresight applications and exchanges.
RASP - Risk Assessment for Strategic Planning - Paul Sayers lead the development of the RASP methods that now underpin the Environment Agency's risk modelling approaches in the Modelling Decision Support Framework (MDSF2) and the National Flood Risk Assessment (NaFRA)
National resilience review: A contribution to Cabinet Office National Resilience Review. The contribution provided on Flood risk in deprived communities and on strategic approaches based on approaches developed with WWF. (29th Feb 2016)
Innovation: managing risk, not avoiding it - contribution to Annual Report of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, 2014.
Paul Sayers is now a member of Strategic Advisory Panel for a major research initiative into drought and water scarcity issues: MaRIUS: Managing risks, impacts and uncertainties of droughts and water scarcity. The project is lead by Prof Jim Hall at the University of Oxford.
International flood management guidance - Sayers and Partners contributed to the WMO programme on Integrated Flood Risk Management and provided a case study on the Effectiveness of Flood Risk Management in England and Wales.