Ibadan Flood risk assessmentThe city of Ibadan in central Nigeria is prone to severe and frequent flooding in the forms of flash flooding and river flooding. With rapid urban growth, poorly designed drainage, complex river networks, no early warning, and very limited capability within the emergency services to respond, the citizens of Ibadan are left in a vulnerable position.
A strategic flood risk assessment for the City of Ibadan, Nigeria commissioned by the World Bank. Sayers and Partners worked with Ambiental to develop a ‘road map’ to direct a major flood risk management investment programme for the City, to include a short term Action Plan and support the development of a long term strategy. The World Bank commissioned the study to carry out an urgent, strategic level study of flood risk for Ibadan. We were tasked with developing a series of short, medium and long-term measures to help reduce flood risk to the city. Our study identified a desperate need for immediate repair of infrastructure damaged in recent floods. It highlighted a need for a range of further works including: the development of a flood forecasting and early warning system, and the need for a long-term Flood and Drainage Master Plan for the city. This would ensure the future security and safety for the communities that currently suffer regular and damaging flooding. This Flood and Drainage Plan would then be integrated with the overall sustainability plan for the city. As a result of the scoping study, we were able to:
Main report: In confidence to the World Bank and in-country partners To maintain up-to-date with the progress of the project see here To access the workshop files from 2024 see here (controlled access) |