STRATEGIC Flood risk management
Over recent decades the concept of flood risk management has been cultivated across the globe. Implementation however remains stubbornly difficult to achieve. In part this reflects the perception that a risk management paradigm is more complex than a more traditional standard-based approach as it involves ‘whole systems’ and ‘whole life’ thinking; yet this is its main strength and a prerequisite for more integrated and informed decision making. The book provides a historical perspective on the flood events that have shaped modern approaches and describes emerging good practice, including (i) the purpose and characteristics of strategic "Flood risk management, (ii) the goals, objectives and outcomes sought, (iii) the necessary governance frameworks, (iv) the development of adaptive strategies, (v) the relationship with ecosystem services, (vi) the barriers to, and enablers of, implementation, and, finally, (vi) the ‘nine golden rules’ that underpin good strategic flood risk management decision making today. A series of supporting chapters present particular techniques in more detail, including (i) risk and uncertainty analysis, (ii) spatial planning, (iii) infrastructure management, (iv) emergency planning, (v) flood hazard and risk mapping, (vi) the management of "ash "floods and (vii) insurance.
Main Report
Download Strategic Flood Risk Management here
Journal papers
Sayers P B, Galloway Gerry, Penning-Rowsell Edmund, Shen F, Wen K, Chen Y, Le Quesne T (2014). Strategic flood management: ten ‘golden rules’ to guide a sound approach. Journal: International Journal of River Basin Management. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2014.902378
Sayers, PB. (2017). 'Evolution of Strategic Flood Risk Management in Support of Social Justice, Ecosystem Health, and Resilience'.Published by Oxford Research Encyclopedia:Natural Hazard Science. DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.85
Project webinar - 2013
Watch the webinar provided as part of the project here
Main Report
Download Strategic Flood Risk Management here
Journal papers
Sayers P B, Galloway Gerry, Penning-Rowsell Edmund, Shen F, Wen K, Chen Y, Le Quesne T (2014). Strategic flood management: ten ‘golden rules’ to guide a sound approach. Journal: International Journal of River Basin Management. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2014.902378
Sayers, PB. (2017). 'Evolution of Strategic Flood Risk Management in Support of Social Justice, Ecosystem Health, and Resilience'.Published by Oxford Research Encyclopedia:Natural Hazard Science. DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.85
Project webinar - 2013
Watch the webinar provided as part of the project here