The interdisciplinary Flood Risk Management Research Consortium (FRMRC) was the largest consortium of UK universities and other organisations undertaking research in flood risk science. Between 2004 and 2012, FRMRC produced over 300 journal and conference papers, 40 technical reports and held over 50 knowledge sharing events.
The Consortium combined the strengths of fundamental and near-market researchers and research philosophies in a truly multi-disciplinary programme. It was formulated to address key issues in flood science and engineering and the portfolio of research included the short-term delivery of tools and techniques to support more accurate flood forecasting and warning, improvements to flood management infrastructure and reduction of flood risk to people, property and the environment. Research also included coastal and urban flooding together with research in the area of land use management in the context of the generation of floods during extreme rainfall.
The programme of original and high-quality science enhanced our understanding of flooding and improved our ability to reduce flood risk through the development of sustainable flood management strategies.
FRMRC was sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant EP/FO20511/1, with additional funding from the EA/Defra (Joint Defra/EA Flood and Coastal Erosion Management R&D Programme), the Northern Ireland Rivers Agency (DARDNI) and Office of Public Works (OPW), Ireland.
General Enquiries should be directed to the Chair of the FRMRC Professor Ian Cluckie, University of Swansea. Enquires regarding a particular Super Work Package should be directed to the reserach leaders - see summary presentations.
The Consortium combined the strengths of fundamental and near-market researchers and research philosophies in a truly multi-disciplinary programme. It was formulated to address key issues in flood science and engineering and the portfolio of research included the short-term delivery of tools and techniques to support more accurate flood forecasting and warning, improvements to flood management infrastructure and reduction of flood risk to people, property and the environment. Research also included coastal and urban flooding together with research in the area of land use management in the context of the generation of floods during extreme rainfall.
The programme of original and high-quality science enhanced our understanding of flooding and improved our ability to reduce flood risk through the development of sustainable flood management strategies.
FRMRC was sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant EP/FO20511/1, with additional funding from the EA/Defra (Joint Defra/EA Flood and Coastal Erosion Management R&D Programme), the Northern Ireland Rivers Agency (DARDNI) and Office of Public Works (OPW), Ireland.
General Enquiries should be directed to the Chair of the FRMRC Professor Ian Cluckie, University of Swansea. Enquires regarding a particular Super Work Package should be directed to the reserach leaders - see summary presentations.